Hi! I'm [Nicola](https://nicolafisher.com) and these are my digital notes, written in Obsidian and made visible by Obsidian Publish. 2024 is the year of sharing my [[notes]], thoughts and jottings more widely. Check out my [[goals]] to read my plans. My [[philosophy]] is the compass that guides my journey through life. ### About Me I write about tech, note taking, PKM, rural living, hens, our smallholding, sheep, cows, and life at a gentler pace. I live in Derbyshire with [my husband](https://theblindwoodturner.co.uk/) and his Guide Dog, Bamber. Read what I'm doing [[now]], and what I've [[written]] recently. ### Get in Touch Find me on [Twitter](https://twitter.com/notealoud), [Instagram](https://www.instagram.com/notealoud/), [Substack](https://substack.com/@nicolafisher), [Medium](https://medium.com/@notealoud), and on my [website](https://nicolafisher.com). ### Start Here Search these notes for a specific topic or hashtag. Navigate using the links in the sidebar on the left. Or start with any of the suggestions below. #### Life [[Endings, how we experience them and the choices we make]] [[I met a blind man and, reader, I married him!]] [[The life that is waiting for us is not always the one we envisaged]] #### Purpose [[How it all began]] #### Productivity [[How I'm using the PARA method in Twos]] #### Tech [[How compiling a daily log in Napkin improves my idea generation]] [[Obsidian is a game changer if you want to write a book]] [[Which is the best? Tana or Obsidian?]] [[How I use Twos - a Methodology]] #### Writing [[I bought a typewriter and use it every day]] [[Why you need to keep a daily log]] [[The Undertaker]] ### What's New Check out the [[Changelog]] for the most recent updates. *Some private notes may appear in the changelog but are not published here.*